Announcements and NADA Community Update #2 — Difficult Honesty
This update contains the announced news, a planned raid for tomorrow evening and I address doubts and questions that came up recently in a completely honest and transparent way.
We think honesty is important and we won’t leave you in the dark. There will also be a community vote at the end of this article. Please read this to the end.

Marketing Wallet /Marketing Strategy
Let’s get the bad news out first.
Our marketing budget was spent on various promotions and materials.
We paid for YouTube videos, Twitter Promos, MoonRadar listing, Discord bots, Website and Domain fees, Giveaways, $TITAN promo, you name it.
By far the biggest investment we made was paying for an instagram promotion with Griffin Johnson (3.4m on Instagram).
This investment was planned carefully by looking at many potential influencers and the effect each of them had on the charts of projects they promoted.
After we spent dozens of hours of research we came to the conclusion that this was a step we should take since the numbers of previous projects suggested that we would get a ton of volume and make every penny we spent back through our 1% marketing fee.
After his post, to our surprise, we didn’t get the expected volume and this deal completely drained our wallet to zero.
This may come as a surprise, but it’s not the end (see more later in this post).
Dev-Team Dox
We’re aware that some of the community members want us to dox ourselves. We have no intention of doxxing ourselves until we reach that milestone as laid out in the roadmap. Our contract is safe, we’re audited, and one of our team members, Nick, revealed himself publicly on Benzinga and other team members have doxxed socials.
Renounce Ownership
Our fees go to the owner wallet by default. If we did renounce, the 7% LP fee would be sent directly to a burn address, which wouldn’t allow us to lock it up in one-year-cycles to react to possible PancakeSwap updates and liquidity migrations. It would also restrain us from keeping a percentage for marketing and burns.
There are however checks in our code that ensure we cannot raise the fees or limit transactions unreasonably.
The announced News
Now to the good news.
Since there’s only been one post by Griffin (we paid for two) and he got cold feet because he sent us his CoinBase wallet which doesn’t give him access to the BNB we sent him, we were able to make a deal with the manager of this promotion. Tomorrow evening, Monday the 28th, two influencers with seven-digit follower counts + 5 or more micro influencers will promote NADA in their insta stories. On top of that, a paid TikTok video will release on an account with 200k+ followers.

With everything you read above, it’s obvious that we need you more than ever. Each and every one of you, as many as we can get.
Tomorrow evening (5pm EST — open ended), we storm the socials.
Twitter, Reddit, Discord, Telegram, Instagram, everything on full ignition, ready to take off. The Devs, Team, Mods and community members will all partake in this together.
We’ve launched a “raid instructions” channel in discord for every necessary information you need.
You now have 24 hours to prepare posts/articles, download or create memes and take yourself some time off for this.
Community Vote
The only efficient way for us to re-gain our budget is from generating fees, which requires trading volume. Therefore, we would like to propose a fee change to the community through a vote. From here on out we will only change fees if the majority of the community wants it.
Old: 5% LP, 3% Holders, 1% Marketing, 1% Burn
New: 3% LP, 3% Holders, 4% Marketing
Since our burn address receives almost half of the 3% redistribution, NADA technically gets burnt with every transaction. The only real change is lowering the LP percentage, this results in a more balanced Holder/LP ratio and more marketing budget.
The community decides this one, a vote section will be up in the announcements channel and the vote runs until June 29th 6pm EST.
Once we reach certain volumes and have a well funded marketing wallet, this can be put up for voting again to rebalance it.
Additional Note
The chart mainly looks like this because of BNB price fluctuations and we accomplished a lot of things since launch. MoonRadar, CMC and Gecko, Website Update, Logo rebranding, re-arranging the Team, get Community Mods, put up a Roadmap, Benzinga and other things we are planning are just examples.
But I’d like to take this article as an opportunity to thank each and everyone of you.
We’ve had many obstacles to tackle, from a failed presale, scam allegations and important people turning their back on us to the recent incident with our marketing budget. But we have persevered and will continue to do so.
We are humbled and amazed by how many of you support our vision. We are learning and improving each day, but we would really be nothing without the community’s love and continued support.
We’re really grateful to have such a strong core community that puts their trust into us and stand by our side through thick and thin.❤️
We will not give up until we’re at the top. No promises, No Bullshit. Nada.